Hip and Pelvic Floor Muscle Strength in Women | Predominant Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms

Research & Knowledge,

Journal of Women’s Health Physical Therapy

Hip and Pelvic Floor Muscle Strength in Women with and without Urgency and Frequency Predominant Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms

Foster, Stefanie N. PT, PhD; Spitznagle, Theresa M. PT, DPT; Tuttle, Lori J. PT, MPT, PhD; Sutcliffe, Siobhan PhD, ScM, MHS; Steger-May, Karen MS; Lowder, Jerry L. MD, MSc; Meister, Melanie R. MD, MSCI; Ghetti, Chiara MD; Wang, Jinli MS; Mueller, Michael J. PT, PhD; Harris-Hayes, Marcie DPT, MSCI

Previous research has focused on hip strengthening for symptoms of stress urinary incontinence, but a new research report explores how hip strength is related to lower urinary tract symptoms (UF-LUTS). The research report found that those with urinary urgency and frequency symptoms without incontinence showed reduced hip strength but comparable pelvic floor strength in comparison to controls. 

This research suggests that the pelvic floor muscles do not function as an independent system, and that hip strength is an important consideration for symptoms of lower urinary tract dysfunction. 

Click here to explore the relationship between hip strength and symptoms of urinary urgency and frequency.