Meet Michele Davison, SPT

Member Spotlight,

Physical therapy is a second career for me, formerly being a teacher at the high school and community college level. Spending my entire life as an athlete participating in volleyball, softball, and basketball I continued to coach softball to kids from age five through college. I spent a majority of my life involved in sports activities yet wasn’t aware of the area of pelvic health until my early 30’s after having my third little boy. Upon discovering this area and learning from my pelvic health physical therapist (PT), I knew I was meant to enter into this field. 

My husband provided unwavering support for me to enter back into school after many years, even with three little guys running around the house. He saw my passion for pelvic health and desire to help women through their prenatal and postpartum journeys. I began school at the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences in May 2019 and entered the Academy of Pelvic Health Physical Therapy (APTA Pelvic Health) in May 2020. While there is limited pelvic health in our curriculum, I have enrolled in many courses to get the education needed to build a strong base of knowledge prior to entering the field. Having completed Level 1 Pelvic Floor course, I have undertaken additional coursework with the Institute for Birth Healing, Julie Wiebe’s Piston Science courses, as well as a course covering diastasis recti assessment and treatment. I look forward to the Fundamental Topics of Pregnancy & Postpartum Physical Therapy course offered by the APTA Pelvic Health, as my specific interests lie in helping the prenatal/postpartum population and supporting women in their fourth trimester. Through schooling and research, I have also found a strong desire to know more about urinary incontinence and how to help individuals with this issue. With my own personal journey in PT and now PT school, it is apparent how much misinformation is out there, but also how taboo so many topics in pelvic health are. 

I hope through my journey as a PT, I can help to improve women’s function and quality of life while helping them to understand their bodies. I am hopeful that as our field continues to grow, we can help people take steps towards their overall health with exercise. I want to break through the barriers of “taboo” when it comes to our pelvis; it’s just another beautiful body part that is essential to life! 

Written by Michele Davison, SPT