APTA's Economic Value of PT Report Includes Stress Urinary Incontinence

Academy News,

The American Physical Therapy Association engaged Nous, an international management consulting firm, to examine the costs and benefits of eight condition-based physical therapist services, each of which was chosen based on the prevalence of the condition and its associated level of health care spending across the United States.

"The Economic Value of Physical Therapy in the United States" presents the results of this analysis by synthesizing the available clinical research on services delivered for each of the eight conditions and drawing comparisons between physical therapist services and non-physical therapist treatments, based on the costs associated with providing care and the benefits generated within the American health care system.

Physical therapy was found to have a net economic benefit over the alternative treatment for each of the conditions.

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Watch this video highlighting the breadth and depth of this new economic report and our campaign to support it. All campaign resources, including the full report, FAQs, policy paper, foundational paper, infographics, videos, and more, are located on the new website, ValueofPT.com.