A Day in the Life of a Pediatric Physical Therapist at APTA CSM 2025

Posted By: Sarah C. Cooper Career Development, Member Spotlight,

Pediatric pelvic health physical therapy provides early detection and intervention for children with bowel and bladder dysfunction.  Bowel and bladder dysfunction can significantly impact a child’s social and emotional well being impacting social interactions, family dynamics and school participation.  Whether you are an experienced pelvic health therapist looking to expand your knowledge in pediatrics or an experienced pediatric therapist wanting to learn to screen or treat pelvic health needs, CSM can be a great place to start your journey.  Knowing where to start or what topics to look for can be daunting.  Come “spend a day in the life” of a pediatric pelvic health therapist at CSM and learn more about the educational sessions available.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

  • 8am: Movement Analysis of Tasks for the Pediatric Client: A Framework for Examining Movement

PD 21796 (https://apta.confex.com/apta/csm2025/meetingapp.cgi/Session/21796)

Observation of functional movement is an essential skill when working with children who may not be able to perform other standardized assessments.  Learn more about a framework for examining movement that can help guide observations and movement analysis allowing for a more uniform process.

  •  11am: There Is No Right Way to Breathe

PD 20969 (https://apta.confex.com/apta/csm2025/meetingapp.cgi/Session/20969)

It is discussed that diaphragmatic breathing is the optimal breathing pattern for pelvic floor and core function.  However are other breathing patterns also beneficial? Learn more in addition to manual techniques and verbal/tactile cues to incorporate into your clinical practice.

  •  3pm: It’s Only Weird If You Make It Weird: Screening for Pelvic Floor Dysfunction in Athletes

PH 21251 (https://apta.confex.com/apta/csm2025/meetingapp.cgi/Session/21251)

Pelvic floor dysfunction is present in 33% of athletes, however screening this population is an uncommon practice.  Learn more about how to collaborate and educate your local community on the importance of screening athletes early in life to minimize the long term effects of PFD.

Friday, February 14, 2025

  • 8am: Too "Pooped" to Play? Constipation and the Effect on Global Development in Young Children

PD 21583 (https://apta.confex.com/apta/csm2025/meetingapp.cgi/Session/21583)

Constipation can impact a child as early as the first year of life and can greatly impact a child’s global development and ability to tolerate developmental play.   Come learn more about what populations may be at a higher risk,  how to identify early signs of constipation, and play based strategies to promote development.

  • 11am: Get the Inside Scoop on Interoception in Hypermobile Children

PD 21913 (https://apta.confex.com/apta/csm2025/meetingapp.cgi/Session/21913)

Interoception requires a complex process of identifying the internal state of a portion of the body followed by identifying an appropriate response.  Children with joint hypermobility can be significantly impacted by bowel and bladder issues.  Learn more about interoception including evaluation and intervention strategies to integrate into your clinical practice.

  • 1 pm: PedSig Meet and Greet

 RSVP (https://www.aptapelvichealth.org/events/pedsig-byol-2025)

Come meet the PedSig directors and mingle with others interested in pediatric pelvic health

  • 3pm: Introduction to Bowel and Bladder Treatment for Children: A Developmental Approach

PD 22069 (https://apta.confex.com/apta/csm2025/meetingapp.cgi/Session/22069)

A comprehensive overview of the basics to treating children with bowel and bladder dysfunction.   Learn more about engaging and developmental based treatment techniques which you will be able to immediately implement into your practice.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

  • 8 am: Watch Your Mouth: Improving Therapeutic Alliance through Effective Communication

AC 20426 (https://apta.confex.com/apta/csm2025/meetingapp.cgi/Session/20426)

Bowel and bladder issues can be a challenging topic for some children and families to talk about.  Learn more about how to improve communication and build stronger bonds with your patients through practical exercises and case studies.

  • 11 am: From Awareness to Action: Pediatric Physical Therapy's Role in Addressing Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence

PD 20718 (https://apta.confex.com/apta/csm2025/meetingapp.cgi/Session/20718)

Therapists working with children are in a unique role to identify domestic violence and intimate partner violence due to the frequency of direct interactions with both children.  Come learn more about the prevalence and complexities of these issues.

  • 3 pm: Mindfulness-Based Practices in Pediatric Physical Therapy Practice: Are They Truly Beneficial for Everyone?

PD 21190 (https://apta.confex.com/apta/csm2025/meetingapp.cgi/Session/21190)

Mindfulness is being recommended at increasing rates for a variety of populations including children with bowel and bladder issues.  While there are some bodies of evidence supporting this practice in some pediatric populations, there are others published reports of adverse effects and clinically relevant harm.  Come learn about the supported benefits and how to recommend with a trauma informed lens.

Addressing pelvic health needs in the pediatric population is crucial as early intervention can improve a child's quality of life, prevent long-term complications, and enhance their ability to engage in daily activities with comfort and confidence.   With a variety of topics ranging from interoception to breathing techniques,  a therapist of any experience will feel more confident and capable of integrating new examination and treatment techniques into their clinical care of children with bowel and bladder dysfunction. 

Author: Sarah Cooper PT, DPT

Author Bio: Sarah Cooper PT, DPT is one of four directors of the new PedSig.  She has been working in pediatric pelvic health for 10 years and is excited to be a part of creating a space for therapists to connect and learn about pediatric pelvic health.