Running in the National Board Elections

Posted By: Blair Heather Green Career Development,

Maybe today is the day. You’ve received many emails, seen the Tweets and Facebook posts, and even heard people talk about board elections. You’ve likely thought some, or even all of the following:

  • I don’t have time.
  • I will never win.
  • Why run for a leadership position?
  • This isn’t for me.

Many of us wear multiple hats, including PT, mom/dad, spouse, friend, community volunteer. Time is precious. How can you possibly give one more thing?
I have been through the same thought process myself. I remember getting an email and on that day thinking, “Maybe it would be nice to give back.” I’ve been in practice for more 15 years. My profession has served me well on many levels—enabled a successful business, wonderful patient relationships, life-long friends and colleagues, and a way to grow and deepen my knowledge.

Perhaps it was time to serve my profession by becoming a leader in the Section on Women’s Health-APTA.

Since being elected to the Nominating Committee, I have been fortunate to interact with leaders in our profession, including current Section President Pat Wolfe and Past-president Wendy Featherstone, national-level leaders such as Secili DeStefano, and newbies just like me. I have met students, seasoned PTs, and new Section members. The energy is addictive!

Last year, the Section paid for me to attend the LAMP conference at CSM, a course designed to develop leadership skills. Here I was, serving my Section, and still it was finding another way to serve me!

Make this the last message you read about volunteering. Think:

  • Today is the day.

  • I’m ready to serve and lead.

  • How can I help the Section?

  • I can win this election.