Meet the SSIG Members | Featuring Kristen Nicolosi, SPT

Posted By: Kristen Nicolosi Member Spotlight,

Welcome to the 2nd ‘Meet the SSIG Members!’ The Student Special Interest Group is made up of student PTs and student PTAs from across the country – and we want to highlight them and their passion for the profession! ‘Meet the SSIG Members’ has the purpose of connecting students interested in pelvic and women’s health by introducing them to one another and our community through the APTA Pelvic Health Student Special Interest Group. We would like this engagement to promote personal development, networking, and friendship opportunities.

Name/Year in School/Program Name:

Kristen Nicolosi, 2nd year at Mercer University in Atlanta, Georgia

Why are you interested in Pelvic Health Physical Therapy?

I first discovered pelvic health physical therapy through shadowing a family friend who is a pelvic PT. I immediately fell in love with the profession and everything that pelvic PTs stand for. Women are not getting the care that they need and this has to change. Growing up a competitive gymnast, I am also passionate about educating and treating young gymnasts that may be struggling with incontinence or other pelvic health concerns.

What are you most excited for your upcoming Pelvic Health Clinical Rotation OR what did you love most about your Pelvic Health Clinical Rotation?

I am just so excited to be fully immersed in the pelvic health specialty and get to treat these incredible patients. I have done a lot of independent studying and preparation, so I can’t wait to get out there and finally see/treat these patients in the clinic!

Why do you believe it is important to be an active member of the SSIG and/or what have you gotten out of being a member of the SSIG?

The SSIG has connected me with so many people and so many resources that have really helped me solidify my decision to enter the field of pelvic PT. Being a member of the SSIG has allowed me fully understand the specialty and the types of patients/conditions that pelvic PTs treat. The SSIG has also provided valuable advice about residencies, how to obtain a pelvic clinical, and ultimately how to enter the profession directly after PT School.

Any advice you might like to share for students looking to get involved in Pelvic Health Physical Therapy?

Do not be afraid to reach out to people! Message that Pelvic PT on Instagram asking to shadow them. Talk to that older classmate who you know is also interested in the field. Take the initiative to educate yourself by listening to podcasts and reading books. Oh, and attend the SSIG meetings.

What you love to do outside of PT school?

I love yoga, baking, spending time with friends/family, and taking my dog Teddy to the dog park!

APTA Pelvic Health Student SIG