“I Just Beared Through It:” Southern U.S. Christian Women’s Experiences of Chronic Dyspareunia

Research & Knowledge,

Alison Happel-Parkins, PhD; Katharina A. Azim, PhD; Amy Moses, DPT, OMT

There are few studies that explore the effects of religious upbringing in relation to women’s experiences of chronic dyspareunia.  This study explored the impact of cultural influences and the exposure to messages of shame and fear in regard to sexual intercourse and pelvic health.

The authors assert that “Religious beliefs can play an integral part in people’s lives, and pelvic floor physical therapists should acknowledge and center, if appropriate, the intersections of religiosity and sexual experiences when working with the patients.”

Read the qualitative study to learn more about women’s experiences of chronic dyspareunia and the cultural contexts surrounding the pelvic floor dysfunction.