Considerations for the Adult Female Endurance Runner: A Survey Analysis

Research & Knowledge,

Journal of Women’s Health Physical Therapy

Considerations for the Adult Female Endurance Runner: a survey analysis

Rothschild, Carey E. PT, DPT; Schellhase, Kristen C. EdD, LAT, ATC


A survey given to adult female runners looked at how training requirements for long-distance runners may predispose this population to the three components of the female athlete triad: low energy availability, menstrual dysfunction, and low bone mineral density.

To determine which components may contribute to the triad, authors surveyed female long-distance runners on the following:

  1. Reason for distance running 

  2. History of running-related injury 

  3. Menstrual cycle irregularity 

  4. Participation in other physical exercise 

  5. Use of hormonal contraception

  6. Attempt to lose weight 

  7. Satisfaction with the shape of their body

  8. Desire to be thinner

To learn more about how health professionals can use this tool to better screen and care for female athletes, read the full research report.