Top to Bottom: Biopsychosocial Considerations of Gay/Bi Male Sexual Function Post-Prostatectomy

Prostate cancer treatment can dramatically impact sexual function for all patients. In the past, outcome measures focused exclusively on erectile function and heteronormative views of optimal sexual function. While gay and bisexual men were likely included in this research, demographic questions failed to separate them out from their heterosexual peers and obscured the concerns unique to the community of men who have sex with men. This is referred to as “Invisible Diversity.” More recent research has worked to define the differences and similarities between these groups and place these concerns within the psychosocial context of gay and bisexual men. Join us as we review the updated research which highlights the biopsychosocial concerns of gay and bisexual men post-prostatectomy.

Learning Objectives

  1. Participants will be able to identify differences in sexual function outcomes between homosexual and heterosexual patients post-prostatectomy.
  2. Participants will understand common side effects of prostate cancer treatment and their impact on penetrative and receptive sexual function.
  3. Participants will understand role of pelvic floor PT in optimizing penetrative and receptive sex.
  4. Participants will understand psychosocial considerations of cancer treatment and sexual side effects in the LGBTQ+ community.

Meet Our Presenter

Ariel Wynne PT, DPT, WCS is a pelvic floor PT and owner of Ground Floor PT. After graduating in
2018, she immediately started pursuing pelvic PT continuing education. Ground Floor PT is a specialty Pelvic Floor PT clinic with an emphasis on inclusive, gender-neutral pelvic health education and treatment.