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Trauma Sensitive Physical Therapy Care

2.5 Contact Hours

Experiencing a traumatic event may elicit a response of overwhelming fear, helplessness, and horror and for many, these feelings can persist well after the danger has passed. Undergoing a trauma can be a life-altering experience, and it can impact feelings and behaviors, as well as work personal and social relationships. The manner in which trauma survivors respond in health care settings, including physical therapy, often reflects their altered sense of safety in the world.

As it is estimated that up to 70% of people worldwide have been exposed to some type of trauma, it behooves health care professionals to apply universal precautions by providing trauma-sensitive and trauma-informed care.

In this on-demand online course designed for physical therapists, participants will learn the basics of trauma, how various types of trauma can affect people, and how trauma can affect how your patient interacts with you in therapy. General physical therapists as well as specialists in women’s and men’s health, where more invasive and intimate procedures are routinely provided, are invited to view this on-demand online course, and to learn skills for ensuring patients’ emotional and physical health in the physical therapy setting.

Learner Objectives
  1. Participants will recognize, understand and respond to the effects of various types of trauma.As it is estimated that up to 70% of people worldwide have been exposed to some type of trauma, it behooves health care professionals to apply universal precautions by providing trauma-sensitive and trauma-informed care.
  2. Participants will provide best clinical practice for patients with a history of trauma.
  3. Participants will refocus their inner dialogue from “what is wrong with this person?” to “what has happened to this person?”
About the Presenter

Talli Yehuda Rosenbaum, MSc 

Talli Yehuda Rosenbaum, MSc., is an individual and couples therapist, and is certified as a sex therapist by the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists as well as the Israeli Sex Therapy Association (ITAM). Mrs. Rosenbaum has authored over 30 peer- reviewed journal publications, numerous book chapters, and co-edited a Springer textbook entitled “The Overactive Pelvic Floor.” She currently serves as associate editor of the peer-reviewed journal Sexual Medicine Reviews. In addition to maintaining her private practice, Mrs. Rosenbaum teaches in several sex therapy and sex counseling programs in Israel and provides courses internationally for physical therapists in sexual counseling skills.

Disclaimer: This information is based on the clinical opinion, research, and clinical work of Talli Rosenbaum unless otherwise cited

Non-Member Price: $300
Member Price: $275