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The Role of Trauma In Chronic Pain | Maximizing Our Skill Set For Mind-Body Healing

The Role of Trauma In Chronic Pain | Maximizing Our Skill Set For Mind-Body Healing

3.5 Contact Hours

This online, pre-recorded course examines the literature on Autonomic nervous system response to trauma and the parallels between trauma (PTSD, abuse, ACE scores) and chronic pain and then goes a step further to look at a multi-dimensional treatment approach through manual, exercise, breathing and the actual anatomic mechanics that make this approach successful. It is evidence-based and the instructor incorporates a newer concept of heart rate variability into the conversation. With the stress on PNE/TPE, we can do better than tell people to breath and walk. This course examines how we do this well and why we, as Physical Therapists (PTs), are the best suited for this role.

Learner Objectives
  1. Understand the prevalence of trauma in the chronic/persistent pain population
  2. Identify Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) response overlap in trauma and chronic pain
  3. Re-examine how we assess and treat posture, gait, muscle activity and imbalance through a trauma sensitive lens
  4. Recognize the need to use alternatives to traditional stretching and strengthening for neuromuscular re-education and body awareness
  5. Appreciate the role of respiration in a system dominated by the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) and explore techniques for restoring respiratory balance
  6. Become more aware of the physical connection between mindfulness and body awareness and strategies to help patients begin to incorporate these for improved quality of life
  7. Introduction into possible outcome measures for Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) balance and the advancing role of the PT beyond verbal education
About the Presenter

Mary Beth Genday, PT 

I have been working in outpatient care for about several years but have extensive experience with inpatient,school based and education. My recent area of expertise has been pelvic health with women, me and children and started pre and immediate post partum programs.

I teach and review courses for the APTA and enjoy teaching opportunities and education and do much Pro Bono work in this area. My passion is patients and I provide well rounded experience with strong patient advocacy.

Non-Member Price: $179
Member Price: $139