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A Comprehensive Look at Pelvic Venous Disorders (PeVD)

A Comprehensive Look at Pelvic Venous Disorders (PeVD)

3.75 Contact Hours

Pelvic venous disorders are the second leading cause of chronic pelvic pain after endometriosis. One of the biggest risk factors for the development of PeVD is pregnancy. As physical therapists we are in a unique position to screen our patients for this entirely treatable, but often overlooked disease process. 

Enroll now and receive immediate access to this online course designed to enhance your ability to screen, assess, and comprehensively treat your clients with pelvic venous disorders (PeVD), a notoriously under-recognized and misdiagnosed cause of chronic pelvic pain.

Course Information
Course Description

    This is a 3.75 hour online self-paced course designed to enhance physical therapists’ ability to screen their clients for pelvic venous disorders (PeVD). The course will review the history of PeVD, barriers to care, and the importance of using evidence-based language in the diagnosis process. Care will be taken to understand both the hallmark presentation of the disease process, as well as to learn the additional clinical presentations that reflect the wide range of people impacted by PeVD across age and gender.  

    PeVD demands a comprehensive plan of care in collaboration with other medical providers. This includes providing high quality patient education, assessing and treating the entire body system with evidence-based techniques, understanding proper diagnostic test selection, and referring out for appropriate surgical interventions when necessary. In this class, you will learn to utilize special tests and evidence-based treatments to help identify and treat compensatory patterns found in the thorax and pelvis. These patterns often negatively impact a person’s ability to achieve maximal venous return and diaphragmatic excursion, ultimately exacerbating PeVD symptoms.

    Learner Objectives
    • Understand the importance of using evidence-based language when discussing the pathophysiology of Pelvic Venous Disorders.
    • Differentiate between venous pain and musculoskeletal pain in individuals.
    • Understand how anatomical abnormalities of venous obstruction and venous reflux (“RIGI”) manifest across genders and how that presentation changes if compensatory strategies are present.
    • Identify the four main clinical presentations of PeVD.
    • Understand how to cluster subjective and objective exam findings to guide skilled intervention.
    • Identify the significance of optimal diaphragmatic function and its systemic effect.
    • Identify four strategies needed to maximize venous return in this patient population and the exercises to help achieve this.
    • Understand when to refer out for imaging and collaborate with other healthcare providers to provide the most comprehensive plan of care for the patient. 
    Modules and *Bonus Content*
    • Module 1: Introduction
    • Module 2: A Brief History of PeVD
    • Module 3: Evolution of Language
    • Module 4: Pelvic Venous Disorders
    • Module 5: Symptoms of PeVD
    • Module 6: Compensations
    • *Bonus Module 1*: Diagnostic Imaging with Dr. Kathleen Gibson
    • Module 7: The Four Clinical Presentations of PeVD
    • Module 8: History Taking & Physical Exam
    • Module 9: Influence of the Diaphragm
    • Module 10: Maximizing Venous Return
    • Module 11: Treatment Phase One: Education & Referrals
    • *Bonus Module 2*: Diagnostic Imaging & Case Studies with Dr. Kathleen Gibson
    • Module 12: Treatment Phase One: Exercises
    • Module 13: Treatment Phase Two: Progression
    • Module 14: Post-Medical Intervention
    • *Bonus Module 3*: S-V-P Classification System with Dr. Kathleen Gibson
    • Module 15: Conclusion
    • “Dr. Julie Baron, DPT is making significant strides in helping pelvic health providers comprehend Pelvic Venous Disorders (PeVD) and its connection to chronic pelvic pain. Her course provides a clear understanding of PeVD symptoms, and treatments as well. 

      As an experienced therapist, the insights I gained about how this condition manifests and the options for treatment are invaluable. Reflecting on my past patients, it’s evident that the knowledge gained from this course could have greatly helped them manage their pelvic pain. This intro course is a must for all pelvic health therapists. Thank you Julie so much for sharing this valuable information with us!” -Kathe Wallace, PT (she/her)
    • “Julie is THE leading voice on pelvic venous disorders in the pelvic rehab community. This course really helped me improve my screening and treatment approach for patients demonstrating symptoms potentially indicative of a pelvic venous disorder. Julie is an excellent teacher and her passion for improving the care clinicians show to their patients shines through in her coursework!”-Dr. Jessica Reale PT, DPT, WCS (she/her)
    • “Julie's course on pelvic venous disorders was excellent! PeVD was never taught in physical therapy school or in past pelvic health continuing education courses to the same degree. It was great to learn the clinical presentations and symptom clusters to look for in my patients. 

      Recently I had a patient who reported scrotal and perineal heaviness with running, and had some mild varicosities present on exam. Within that first session, I referred him to our local pelvic vascular surgeon. It turns out the patient had bilateral varicocele and gonadal reflux. He is now pursuing fertility sparing treatment. I'm still seeing this patient for pressure management and lumbopelvic stability, but I also incorporate Julie's exercises that take into consideration his venous reflux and venous return. 

      Ultimately, I appreciate that this course has made me a more discerning pelvic health clinician and hopefully quickens a patient's route to accurate medical diagnosis and treatment.” -Dr. Karyn Schultz PT, DPT, FAAOMPT, PCES (she/her)

    • “I cannot say enough amazing things about Julie's course - it was everything I didn't know I was looking for. Having been a pelvic floor PT for 12 years now, this diagnosis has come up only a handful of times. After taking her course, I reflected back on so many patients and situations where I wish I had known this information and was honestly embarrassed that I didn't.

      The information in the course is broken down in a very digestible way in segments so you can process the information. It is extremely comprehensive and helps you to understand WHY you have not been taught this information... ever. After taking the course, I felt I had actionable items to use immediately, it broadened my knowledge and opened my mind to so many questions, thoughts, and new avenues to explore.

      On top of the information you will gain, Julie truly is an expert in this field, and is passionate about helping patients and providers receive the most up to date, and accurate information on this often overlooked disease.  TL;DR - Take this course, you will be so happy you did!” -Dr. Jandra Mueller DPT, MS (she/her)

    • “If you want to completely revolutionize your pelvic health practice in just 4 hours, take this class. It has changed everything from my evaluation to intervention to prognosis. During a client’s history, I now hear postcoital pain and immediately raise a red flag for the possibility of a pelvic venous disorder, rather than assuming it is simply muscle soreness. When I first began working with people with this diagnosis 10 years ago, I thought that the best I could do was teach activity pacing and breaks for elevation of the pelvis. Now, I have dozens of helpful tips and activities from Julie Baron, from which compression shorts clients should wear to how to instruct pelvic floor relaxation focusing on the posterior pelvis. 

      I also have a framework for why clients with pelvic venous disorders might not respond to traditional manual therapy, saving me from wasting time on an ineffective and aggravating intervention. My whole sense of prognosis for these clients has shifted too; I understand who to refer clients to so they can get definitive medical treatment. Hope is often the most powerful intervention a rehab therapist can offer, and now I have so much more hope and confidence when it comes to working with clients with pelvic venous disorders. 

      Julie seriously created one of the most high-quality courses out there. Her voice is very easy to follow and the audio is great. The graphics are so helpful that I screenshot several of them to be able to share with clients. Julie cites intriguing research that has only come out in the past couple years. 

      I also really appreciated that the course covers all genders, with tips for varicoceles to vulvar varicosities. You can think of this course as burnout prevention with how it can recharge you to take a second look at pelvic pain, historically one of the most challenging diagnoses in the field.” -Dr. Ken McGee, PT, DPT (they/he)
    About the Instructor

    Julie Baron PT, DPT, CSCS, PCES

    Dr. Julie Baron PT, DPT, CSCS, PCES is a pelvic floor physical therapist and the Director of the Pelvic Health and Performance Center in Bellevue, WA. Her commitment to treating patients with and educating others on pelvic venous disorders (PeVD) grew out of her own experience with misdiagnosed chronic pelvic pain. 

    Dr. Baron’s comprehensive, holistic approach to patient care is based on her extensive professional experience in prenatal/postpartum care, pelvic floor therapy, orthopedics, and principles of postural restoration. Her approach allows for the thorough identification of musculoskeletal issues and compensatory patterns in patients, with the goal of optimizing diaphragmatic excursion and maximizing venous return to improve patient outcomes.



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    Price: $197

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