OB-AntePost Lab 

Physical Therapy for Pregnancy and Postpartum Lab

Course Description

Physical Therapy for Pregnancy and Postpartum Lab (OB-AntePost Lab) is conducted 100% in-person and is open to all participants who have taken Fundamental Topics of Pregnancy & Postpartum Physical Therapy Webinar, Physical Therapy for the Pregnant Patient Webinar (coming fall 2025), or Physical Therapy for the Postpartum Patient Webinar (coming fall 2025). 

During this lab course, participants will learn and practice the necessary skills to effectively evaluate and treat pregnant people. Topics include: lumbopelvic, hip examination and special tests, thoracic spine evaluation and treatment, modifications of the pregnant examination, diastasis rectus abdominis examination and intervention; external pelvic floor assessment and exercise (NO internal pelvic floor techniques); therapeutic exercise in pregnancy and postpartum; cesarean scar assessment and mobilization techniques, and biomechanical strategies. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to practice with various pregnancy support belts and garments.

During the lab, participants will work in groups of 2-3. Everyone will participate as both “clinician” and “patient” and receive in the moment feedback and tips from instructors. All participants will participate in comprehensive situational lab scenarios to integrate learned skills. All people can fully participate in this lab, including people of any gender and individuals who are pregnant. 

Upon completion of this lab course, participants will have expanded examination and treatment skills to support the pregnant and postpartum patients.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:


  1. Perform an examination of a pregnant or postpartum patient with:

    1. Low back pain

    2. Pelvic girdle pain

    3. Hip pain 

    4. Thoracic pain

  2. Assess for diastasis rectus abdominis with objective measurement skills

  3. Perform an external assessment of pelvic floor muscle function 


  1. Utilize objective measurements to screen for medical referral

  2. Differentiate between low back, pelvic girdle and hip pain/dysfunction.


  1. Develop an evidence-based plan of care for physical therapy intervention of pregnant or postpartum patients with musculoskeletal impairments or dysfunction

  2. Demonstrate manual therapy interventions for the treatment of cesarean scars

  3. Describe effective cues to contract and relax the pelvic floor and transverse abdominal muscles 

  4. Explain ideal biomechanical strategies for pregnant or postpartum patients

Advance Your Career

Certification Affiliation

This course is affiliated with the Academy's Certificate of Achievement in Pregnancy & Postpartum Physical Therapy (CAPP-OB) Program. Although pursuing the CAPP-OB certification is optional, we highly recommend it for all eligible individuals, especially those already engaged in CAPP-OB affiliated courses, to attain the CAPP-OB distinction.