The Effect of a Combined Pelvic Floor Muscle Training and Gross Motor Strengthening Program on UI

Research & Knowledge,

Journal of Women’s Health Physical Therapy

Tara Rudolphi, DPT; Douglas Storm, MD; Kristine Bonnett, ARNP, Tonya Rich, PhD, OTR/L

“Daytime incontinence in school-aged children with typical development is not without consequence. It can lead to a reported 2-fold increase in psychological problems including attention problems, oppositional behavior, and conduct problems when compared with children with no DI. Additionally, the problem impacts the entire family’s quality of life, as children experiencing DI may limit themselves from social outings with peers, require multiple clothing changes throughout their day, and manage constant hygienic problems.”

Read the series to find out more about effective physical therapy interventions to treat daytime incontinence.