Take Your PT Practice to the Next Level with Specialty Courses

Academy News, Education Alerts,

Are you seeking continuing education outside our CAPP certification programs or wish to delve into other specialty topics within the scope of our pelvic health physical therapy profession?

Enhance your physical therapy skills with our Academy-vetted Collaborative Courses on specialty topics taught by leading educators! Dive into cutting-edge techniques and broaden your expertise to elevate your practice and provide exceptional care to your patients. Each year, the Academy of Pelvic Health Physical Therapy adds new Collaborative Courses that cover a variety of specialty topics. 

Live Online Courses

Join us online via Zoom from the comfort of your home or practice and engage in these interactive expert-led webinar courses. Courses may include interactive, live-instructed webinar lectures and activities.

  • Pelvic Floor Intervention Strategies for Urogenital and Breast Cancer Rehabilitation (Webinar) - June 8, 2024 - Online or Pelvic Floor Intervention Strategies for Urogenital and Breast Cancer Rehabilitation (Webinar) - November 9, 2024 - Online instructed by Mary Jane Strauhal, PT, DPT, BCB-PMD
    • Very thorough. Greatly enjoyed the case studies and thought they were an excellent addition to the course.”
    • “I really enjoyed the presentation. I thought the interactive portions were extremely beneficial.”
    • “All of the information was very interesting and applicable.”
    • “I enjoyed the inter-mixed case studies incorporated into the class for real-world application as well as stimulating thoughtful discourse. Would recommend this course to other professionals within the field with no hesitation.”
    • MJ was very down to earth and knowledgeable.”
    • “Fabulous instructor! I always love taking MJ’s courses. I really like the way she opened up the opportunity for conversation among the participants multiple times to allow everyone to share their knowledge/expertise to facilitate learning for everyone.”
  • Treating the Torso: Belly Dance Considerations for the Physical Therapist - August 24, 2024 - Online instructed by Elizabeth Trouten Volpe , PT, DPT
    • This is a brand new course that we are excited to launch this summer! 
  • Sexual Pain: Navigating Care for Cisgender Men (Webinar) - October 19-20, 2024 - Online instructed by Susie Gronski, PT, DPT
    • "Live patient exam was very helpful. Susie made the information available in an understandable format. The class was also fun to be a part of."

    • "Loved the topics and the flow of the course. Case studies provided wonderful examples."

    • "Real live exam on the patient was so helpful"

    • "This course is a MUST for anyone interested and wanting to work in the pelvic pain arena!"

    • "Zoom format was great! Wonderful links and resources provided. Will start to use them immediately."

    • "Excellent course, one of the best courses I've ever taken."

  • The Functional Pelvic Floor: Exercises for Every Body (Webinar) - November 2, 2024 - Online instructed by Wynne Tezak, PT
    • "Wynne had great energy and was engaging to listen to, what an energetic and engaging speaker"
    • "Could not be happier! This course was even more than I had hoped for"
    • "I really enjoyed this course and how practical it is to apply in the clinic."
    • "Fantastic combination of great anatomical foundation and clinical application techniques.
    • "Very engaging – Wynne frequently addressed clinical application and patient populations of relevance."
    • "Wynne is a dynamic presenter with a passion for pelvic floor PT! She does a great job tying together many concepts and how they relate to each other and the pelvic floor"
    • "Excellent presentation. I believe this course and the exercises specifically will benefit the majority of my clientele. I valued most the personality of the presenter. She taught from a place of grace, ease, and wisdom. Thank you also for the humor."
    • "This was a wonderful, engaging and informative course! It was incredibly helpful on expanding knowledge and exercises beyond Kegels!"
    • "Great information that I can incorporate into my current practice. Opened my eyes to other ways to help address pain. A great tool to add to my toolbox."
    • "Wynne had great enthusiasm and passion on the topic making the course more engaging. I thought this course was fantastic. It was practical from start to finish without a lot of extraneous information. I appreciated the personal stories woven in-- anecdotal evidence is still important in PT!"
  • Tackling Sacroiliac and Pelvic Girdle Dysfunction: A novel approach using the Pelvic Girdle Musculoskeletal Method (Webinar) - November 2, 2024 - Online instructed by Deborah Riczo, PT, DPT, MEd
    • "This was such an excellent class and my first live virtual webinar and it was an amazing experience, I have practical information that I can use right away in the clinic on Monday morning and evidenced based information to incorporate into the lessons to my students!”
    • “Deborah did a great job! She provided clear instruction, with good background material and good clinical feedback. Especially considering the new webinar format, I was very satisfied with this course.”
    • “Knowledgeable about topic and interesting approach to an area that needs reliable assessment.”
    • “Deborah was great. It was fantastic to have her highly experienced and knowledgeable input regarding pelvic girdle management.”
    • “Great instructor and love the clinical application/treatment options for patients. Very clear presentation.”
    • “Enjoyed the course and really felt like I could address SI better!”
    • “I thought the instructor did an excellent job. She was very thorough , clear and approachable. She did a nice job of getting participants involved by encouraging them to comment on what they have seen and what treatments work for them.”
    • “The instructor did an excellent job presenting. She was very knowledgeable and encouraged participants to interact and share knowledge.”
    • “Loved having patient exercise handouts immediately available. I really liked the online format!"
    • I really felt like I learned an actionable amount of info without getting overwhelmed by a full 3 day course.”
    • “Deborah did great communicating the information across and keeping the participants interested. I like that she asked the group how they wanted the course to go.”
  • Pelvic Floor Implications for the Running Athlete (Webinar) - November 9-10, 2024 - Online instructed by Amanda Olson, DPT, PRPC
    • “Amanda did a great job on presenting evidence based research and coupling that research with real clinical experience.”, “Amanda is an excellent instructor – truly passionate about running and pelvic floor!”
    • “I look forward to having Amanda teach other courses! Great job! Very easy to listen to and open to questions.”
    • “I’ve attended pelvic floor courses and running courses. This was a great course to tie 2 of my passions together.”
    • “Been a PT for 21 years mostly in acute inpatient setting and per diem in outpatient but spent the last 6 years working mostly with the prenatal and postpartum population. Reviewing outpatient orthopedic issues was super helpful.”
Live In-Person Courses 

Join us in-person for these expert-led courses and meet and network with fellow physical therapy professionals!

  • Dry Needling and Pelvic Health: Foundational Concepts and Techniques (3-Day) - July 19-21, 2024 - "Raleigh, NC" or Dry Needling and Pelvic Health: Foundational Concepts and Techniques (3-Day) - October 4-6, 2024 - "Crown Point, IN" instructed by Kelly Sammis, PT, DPT, OCS, CLT, A-FDNS, PCES, Tina Anderson, PT, A-FDNS
    • "Easily one of the best con ed courses I've ever taken. The content is exceptional in how the material is laid out and case studies to make sure the skills you learned will be used right away."

    • "Kelly is above average knowledgeable in the field of neuromodulation and dry needling. This is the second time I've taken a class with Kelly and as with the first, this is one of the best dry needling, and neuromodulation courses I have ever taken. I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to expand their knowledge in dry needling and neuromodulation."
    • "This course was so well done.  Kelly's presentation was organized and well thought out.  She took time to ask for specific goals we had for the weekend.  She systematically answered them all and sent a post course email with all of the specific information requests that we had as students. She is certainly extremely knowledgeable in this area of dry needling and I intend to take more courses from her in the future.  I very much enjoyed the 3 day course format with more time for case studies and applying the concepts."

    • "Kelly was amazing!! She was knowledgeable in the material she was presenting on and much beyond that. She was transparent and approachable, available, and helpful throughout the entire course. This course was content-heavy and the techniques were difficult and advanced, and yet I felt fully engaged and competent the entire weekend. I would highly recommend and look forward to taking future courses."

    • "The course was wonderful and exceeded my expectations. The content is incredible. Thank you for a great experience!"

    • "Loved the way this built on the foundational concepts to be more about neuromodulation and clinical integration. Great opportunity to fine-tune and learn new techniques and really understand how to apply them."

  • Pessary Management for the Physical Therapist - September 28, 2024 - "Annandale, VA" instructed by Mary Austin, PT, DPT, Board-Certified Women's Health Clinical Specialist, Daniel D. Gruber, MS, MD, FACOG, FPMRS
    • "Great instructor! Appreciate the personal insights and ability to relate topics to everyday things we see in the clinic"
    • "Mary is one of my favorite instructors. She is always well composed, provides relevant examples, and is a true leader."
    • "Great to have a collaboration with a specialist in the field. Dan was respectful, and willing to share his knowledge and expertise."
    • "Dan had a great ability to create comraderie in the room. Dan and Mary will move pelvic health forward!"
    • "Loved having an MD collaboration for this course! Great to see both perspectives, enhanced the learning experience for sure. Wonderful to learn from. Well prepared and well versed in subject matter."
    • "Very welcoming of questions, very knowledgeable. Glad that they had the passion to create this course, because I'm so excited to bring this back to my practicing state!"

On-Demand Courses 💻

Need more flexibility? Take these courses from anywhere! 

  • Diastasis Rectus Abdominis and the Postpartum Core instructed by Munira Hudani, Pelvic Health Physiotherapist, Acupuncture Practitioner
    • "Before this course, I had a hard time with patients that had significant abdominal distension and creating enough tension for them to notice changes. I was frustrated with patients that seemed to be making progress, then would hit a plateau, and I had a hard time getting them beyond that plateau! I learned SO much! I think just the systematic assessment process and the deeper knowledge of the function of the abdominal muscles and fascia/connective tissue and how to retrain and train the ENTIRE abdominal wall! I feel like prior, I put too much focus on just the TA and lower level exercises, without incorporating the entire abdominal wall! I no longer will use just doming or the gap to monitor someone's ability to progress and I feel confident I can help patients that come in having fear about doming or what exercises "not" to do because I know that diastasis is much more than the gap or doing."
    • "Prior to taking this course, I didn't know how to start exercises with clients as I was afraid to make their diastasis worse. This course is really the best course I have taken in women's health in general and DRA in specific... It is comprehensive and covers all the points that a professional needs to know to start a good rehab program for their clients. You are the best instructor ever I will be pleased to take more courses with you. Your explanation is clear and attractive to listen to."
    • "I have struggled with DRA clients in the past responding as well as I would have liked to treatment. I was successful in helping them to narrow the gap but the pregnant belly look was something that I wasn't getting the results I want and they deserve. This is also true of my own postnatal belly. I have learned a lot from this course about how I can change my approach to get better results. I have already seen an improvement in my own belly through testing the exercises. The course has made me understand that I have been under-challenging my clients in some ways and over-challenging them in other ways and not pacing the treatment correctly. Very clear and informative and I found the exercises section easy to follow."
    • "Your course explains all I've witnessed in such a wonderful and in-depth way."
    • "I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the example exercises! So creative! And they're perfect for PP mums! I already have a few of them in my programs but so many other cool ideas on there. love it!
    • "Seriously loving it! And I am not new to DRA at all but already learning a lot!"
  • Diastasis Done Differently instructed by Antony Lo, B.App.Sc.(Physiotherapy), Master in Manual Therapy, APA Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist and Educator
    • "This course will blow your mind when it comes to helping your clients with diastasis. Very practical and a great one day course to get you thinking differently about challenging your clients and how you approach them. I highly recommend it.”
    • “I love that I came into the course really not having any knowledge on how to properly assess for a diastasis and I now feel 100% confident in assessing and treating.... And of course -doing something different.”
    • “This was an amazing course that I would recommend to ANY PT whether you're a new grad or more advanced PT this course will challenge your thinking and push you outside your comfort zone"
    • "I feel I was given the license to stop treating from a place of fragility in the pregnant and postpartum world and instead challenge these women to their limits."
    • "Deeply appreciated the philosophy of treating patients/clients as equal participants in the assessment and treatment process.”
    • “Highly recommend this course! Learned so much and gained confidence in progressing my patients!”
    • “Diastasis Done Differently is truly different. I absolutely love the way the course is laid out. Antony includes very detailed and labeled ultrasound videos throughout the course so you can really see and understand what is happening with all the abdominal tissues during movement and exercise."
    • “The level of anatomy was amazing, and I found Antony very easy to listen to. He explains everything clearly. I would say absolutely take the course!”
  • Helping Your Patients Navigate Cancer-Related Sexual Dysfunction instructed by Alexandra Hill, PT, DPT, CLT-LANA  Board-Certified Oncologic Clinical Specialist, Board-Certified Women's Health Clinical Specialist
  • Movement System Foundations: Application to Women’s and Pelvic Health Practice instructed by Karla Wente, PT, DPT, CLT, Board-Certified Women's Health Clinical Specialist, Theresa "Tracy" Monaco Spitznagle, PT, DPT, MHS, Board-Certified Women's Health Clinical Specialist
  • Gender Affirming Vaginoplasty presented by Sandra Gallagher, PT, DPT, Board-Certified Women's Health Clinical Specialist, Caitlin Smigelski, PT, DPT
  • Transgender Gender Diverse Overview presented by Sandra Gallagher, PT, DPT, Board-Certified Women's Health Clinical Specialist, Caitlin Smigelski, PT, DPT
  • Mastering the Movement System: Diagnosis & Management of Pelvic Floor Movement presented by Karla Wente, PT, DPT, CLT, Board-Certified Women's Health Clinical Specialist, Jenny LaCross, PT, DPT, ATC, CLT-LANA , Alexandria Uding, PT, DPT, Theresa "Tracy" Monaco Spitznagle, PT, DPT, MHS, Board-Certified Women's Health Clinical Specialist 
  • Evidence-Based Use of Dilators in Rehabilitation presented by Amanda Olson, DPT, PRPC
  • Bone Health and Osteoporosis Prevention presented by Karen Snowden, PT, DPT, Board-Certified Women's Health Clinical Specialist
  • Pelvic Floor Support Systems in Postpartum Recovery, Pelvic Pain and Prolapse presented by Kathe Wallace, PT, Pelvic Resources
    • I highly recommend this course, especially for PTs around the world who have a keen interest in working with prolapse issues. The detailed examination and training videos make all the difference."
    • "The ability to learn in this format with the knowledge that I can go back and view again is a HUGE plus."
    • "Excellent course. Clear and concise with excellent video demonstrations. Up-to-date literature provided along with reviews."
    • "I was really impressed with how comprehensive this course was. The information, references, studies and additional links for future learning were very helpful. I was surprised at the level of detail that could be provided with an online course."
    • "The biggest clinical pearl I took from this course was the guidance on the likelihood of prolapse resolution with conservative treatment versus possibly making a more early referral to urogyn. I also very much appreciated the discussion about the potential for pessary failure.”
    • "This course has strongly improved my assessment and treatment skills for not only POP but pelvic floor dysfunction overall. I appreciate the amount of scientific evidence that is behind all of the content.”, Thank you, Kathe, for this excellent course on prolapse management and so much more! The content is so well organized, with great literature reviews and hugely comprehensive."
    • "I have a much clearer picture of the anatomy, better understanding of how to do internal, external, and functional evaluations and a plethora of ways to help manage symptoms and strive for improvements."
    • "The course has a nice mix of extensive literature reviews, current evidence, and personal experience/observation."
    • "The videos were in some ways more beneficial than a live course due to the level of detail. I was astounded and humbled by how much I didn't know and understand prior to this course.", Thank you, Kathe, for your great efforts in sharing this information and putting it together in a compact and organized way.”
    • "Lots of handy info sheets and tips to start using in the clinic straight away."
    • "Many takeaways include understanding POP-Q, gh/pb and standing exams, levator ani injury assessment, adding phonation and looking more closely at function. I learned the importance of communicating prolapse to my patients in a more positive and encouraging way."
    • "I really appreciated how the material was presented with a combination of lecture, video, and Kathe’s classic use of props (household items) to engage tactile learning techniques.”
  • (Pre) Menopause Matters: The Power of Early Education presented by Karen Litos, PT, DPT, Board-Certified Women's Health Clinical Specialist, Karen Snowden, PT, DPT, Board-Certified Women's Health Clinical Specialist
  • An Intro to Male Sexuality and Pelvic Pain presented by Susie Gronski, PT, DPT
  • The Role of Trauma In Chronic Pain: Maximizing Our Skill Set For Mind-Body Healing presented by Mary Beth Genday, PT
  • Racial & Ethnic Disparities in Pelvic Health: Foundations of Providing Equitable Care to Persons of Color presented by Justine Roper, PT, DPT
  • Foundations of Pelvic Floor Muscle Assessment Using Surface Electromyography developed by Beth Shelly, PT, DPT, BCB-PMD, Board-Certified Women's Health Clinical Specialist, Jane Kaufman, PT, M.Ed, BCB-PMD
  • Trauma Sensitive Physical Therapy Care presented by Talli Yehuda Rosenbaum, MSc
  • Acute COVID-19 and Respiratory Failure in Pregnancy: Physical Therapy Management presented by Jessica LeJeune, PT, DPT
  • The Role of the Physical Therapist in Managing Inflammatory Bowel Disease presented by Christine Morgan, PT, DPT, Board-Certified Sports Clinical Specialist, Nancy Cullinane, PT, DPT, MHS, Board-Certified Women's Health Clinical Specialist
  • Part 1 Urogynecological Clinical Evaluation and Treatments presented by Daniel D. Gruber, MS, MD, FACOG, FPMRS
  • Part 2 Urogynecological Surgical Treatments presented by Daniel D. Gruber, MS, MD, FACOG, FPMRS
  • The Nuts and Bolts of Prostate Cancer in Physical Therapy presented by Joanne Milios, BSc, HDR, PhD
  • Pressure, Posture, Pulls and Performance in Pelvic Floor Dysfunction presented by Kathe Wallace, PT, Pelvic Resources
    • "If you've ever wanted to do more as a pelvic therapist than talk about kegels, take this course! Kathe clearly put a lot of thought and time into the content of this course and understands where there are some gaps that need filling."
    • "This was an insightful course for me and I think it is going to improve my PT practice. I really liked having the rich combination of recorded lectures, literature reviews, PowerPoint slides, clinical videos, links to articles, and links to podcasts."
    • "This course taught me how to assess functional tasks for individualized care, gave me a better understanding of the components of IAP, and provided mechanisms to control pressure in athletes, all very helpful!"
    • "Thank you for breaking down so clearly the influence of the glottis/voice on the canister; I also appreciated all of the involuntary PF reflex training ideas."
    • "Kathe organizes the most current research with a multitude of resources to support pelvic therapists in developing their own processes to think and act outside of the proverbial box!"
    • "I have never taken a course that provided me with access to literature and mixed media like this., I highly recommend it to any professionals working with people suffering with pelvic floor dysfunctions."
  • Hormone Considerations in Menopause presented by Karen Litos, PT, DPT, Board-Certified Women's Health Clinical Specialist

  • If you are a current or aspiring educator, teach a live webinar, in-person, or on-demand course through the Academy! Learn more
  • Don't want to teach but know someone who would be a fantastic Academy educator? Fill out our form!
  • Want the Academy to develop a course on a specific topic? Submit a topic of interest!