Instructor Profile | Sandra Gallagher, PT, DPT, Board-Certified Women's Health Clinical Specialist

Dr. Sandi Gallagher PT, DPT is a pelvic health physical therapist in Portland OR. Her practice includes providing evaluation and treatment of pelvic health conditions in adults and children of all gender identities. Dr. Gallagher received her primary physical therapy training in 1986 with a BS in Physical therapy from the University of Lowell in Massachusetts. She has pursued varied continuing education including manual therapy, Feldenkrais, biophysical agents, pelvic health, and pregnancy. She completed her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree in June 2020.

She has served on varied committees and boards at the state and national level, including as the chair of the CAPP-OB Committee for the Academy of Pelvic Health of the APTA.  She has instructed course in the role of PT in obstetrics since 2016. She contributed to the publication Rehabilitation of the Postpartum Runner. She has presented on the role of PT in gender affirming vaginoplasty at UCSF Transgender Health Summit, APTA Combined Sections Meeting, and at the 2018 international meeting of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH).  She co-authored a chapter in TransGynecology: Pelvic Physical Therapy for Gender-affirming Genital Vaginoplasty, and in The Transgender Athlete: Gender Affirmation Surgery. She is the recipient of the 2020 Elizabeth Noble Award from the Academy of Pelvic Health.