Ask a SSIG Director: What is the Best Part About Being a SSIG Director?

Posted By: Sasha Sivan Schneider Member Spotlight,

What has been your favorite part about being a SSIG Director?

Amanda: “My favorite part of being a SSIG director is the amazing networking opportunities! As many of us are aware, pelvic health is a growing field and it is not always easy to find a community that we can readily connect with. Personally, it wasn’t until the last year of my program that I was able to connect with a friend in my program about our shared interest in pelvic health! I became so close with her, and the other SSIG directors as well, and this opened the opportunity to keep getting more and more involved. The Academy of Pelvic health, along with 2020-2021’s virtual opportunities, have given me the chance to grow that community. Another major beauty of being a SSIG director is that you have the ability to brainstorm and put into effect opportunities that other students just like you would enjoy as well. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me/us more!”


Lindsay: “My favorite part about being a SSIG Director is helping other students discover their passion for pelvic health. Over the last year, we have seen some tremendous growth in the SSIG and there is nothing more rewarding than reaching new students and encouraging others to get involved. Pelvic health is something that I believe should be standard healthcare, but in order to do that we need more people practicing in this field. The more students we can get interested and involved in the Academy of Pelvic Health, the more likely we are to make an impact on our communities and improve accessibility to pelvic health services. The SSIG has allowed me to share my passion for pelvic health with others, while also providing opportunities for students to get involved and become engaged members of the profession.”


Jillian: “Being a SSIG Director over the past year has been an incredibly rewarding experience. One of my personal favorite things has been seeing the impact that this group has had on other students interested in pelvic health. I have loved seeing new faces at each one of our events and getting to know those who have been regularly attending since early last fall. I love bringing people together and providing opportunities for learning, leadership growth, and connection. These experiences as students are irreplaceable and can help shape the kind of clinician that we want to become, and it has been such a pleasure to be able to provide opportunities for other students. I cannot help but also be incredibly thankful for my fellow SSIG Directors. They have each brought so much to the table, and together we have shared some pretty special moments. Knowing that I am going to be sharing this career with them is truly an honor, and I am looking forward to serving with them in the future!”


Sasha: “As a student that is interested in pelvic health, I was seeking out opportunities to get involved and learn more. Being in the SSIG director position this past year has been amazing. It is really hard to pick one thing I like the most, but I have really enjoyed the community we have created. The students that have gotten involved and have attended the pelvic health SSIG events have made this position incredible. Our goal when we started was to create an interactive and safe community for students that wanted to know more about pelvic health, and I really think we have succeeded. The students who attend each event are inquisitive and interactive. It’s so amazing! It has been such an honor working with Lindsay, Jillian and Amanda as well. They are incredible people. I look forward to hopefully serving with them all in the future!”

Written by: Amanda Clarke, SPT, Lindsay Durand, PT, Sasha Schneider, SPT, and Jillian Watson, SPT