CSM 2025: Day 3 Pelvic Health Programming
Visit Academy Booth #2025 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM for the Male Health SIG Pop-Up
Day 3 of CSM 2025 promises to be the grand finale of an incredible journey! With cutting-edge sessions, expert-led discussions, and actionable takeaways, this day is designed to leave you feeling empowered and ready to make an impact in pelvic health. Join us for a dynamic day of learning, networking, and celebration as we wrap up CSM 2025 on a high note!
Day 3 Sessions
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM I’m (More than) Just a Bill: Understanding Advocacy Goes Beyond Schoolhouse Rock
Presented by Kristen Vick PT, DPT, Board-Certified Women's Health Clinical Specialist, and Amber Rae Gadow PT, DPT
Understanding and navigating the world of legislation and advocacy can be complex. In this session, the presenters will provide an introduction to advocacy and tools that physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and students can use immediately to influence change. The presenters will describe the difference between legislation and regulations at the state and federal levels and how citizens can effectively advocate at each of these levels. By the end of this presentation, attendees will learn how to create a grassroots advocacy network and craft their own advocacy message to support their patients/clients and advance the physical therapy profession in their own geographical region.
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Sleep Interventions Effect on Heart Rate Variability, GI Dysfunction and Pain Syndromes.
Presented by Susan Coel Clinton PT, DScPT, Board-Certified in Orthopaedics and Women's Health
The health domain of sleep is being widely discussed in its role for improving stress resiliency, recovery acute and chronic conditions, physical and mental performance and wellbeing. It is a well known axiom that sleep is a necessary foundation for all aspects of health, including pelvic health conditons of GI dysfunction, digestive issues and pain syndromes. There are important evidence based considerations in recognizing and improving sleep issues with measurable outcomes and data collection. Sleep, what is normal and abnormal, can vary greatly amongst humans and can have profound impact on the nervous, cardiovascular, visceral and musculoskeletal systems.This course will provide information on the neurophysiology of the stages of sleep, sleep outcome questionnaires, and practical, evidence based interventions that will assist the client in optimizing their sleep.
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Integrating Sex and Intimacy into Rehabilitation Following Surgery
Presented by Elizabeth T. Franze PT, DPT, and Jillian Gregson PT, DPT
Our presentation aims to give clinicians in ALL settings more confidence when addressing patient inquiries about resuming sexual activity after surgery. Intercourse, an important ADL, is an often overlooked aspect of rehabilitation. As pelvic floor therapists and sex counselors, our mission is to foster a deeper understanding of the intersections between surgery, rehabilitation, and sexual health. We will teach physical therapists how they can enhance patient outcomes and overall return to prior levels of function, which includes a return to intimacy and sexual activity. We will encompass considerations such as weight-bearing status, bracing, positional aids, and cardiopulmonary health monitoring. Our goal is to equip therapists with the tools to integrate sexual health into rehabilitation plans, acknowledging its impact on quality of life. We will highlight the importance of holistic care, where conversations about sex and intimacy are essential components of patient-centered rehabilitation.
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Pelvic Cancer, Pelvic Health
Presented by Michelle Lyons PT
Pelvic cancer encompasses bladder, colorectal and gynecologic disease. Survivorship is improving significantly but this means a significant number of female cancer survivors are dealing with pelvic health sequelae of cancer treatment, including dysfunction of the bladder, bowel, and sexual or pelvic pain. Although the incidence of certain pelvic cancers, such as cervical carcinoma, are decreasing, there is a significant increase in the numbers of younger people, especially women under 50, diagnosed with colorectal cancers.However, 'a clear and well-documented gender bias exists in the evaluation of sexual outcomes for women undergoing urologic surgery. Due to the anatomic template of anterior exenteration, women are commonly left with side effects that include sexual dysfunction and the perpetuated effects of surgical menopause' (Davis et al 2022). Coupled with progressive fibrosis associated with radiation treatment, female sexual health after cancer is only now gaining awareness in the literature. Long term quality of life and sexual and urinary dysfunction has also been documented after abdominoperineal resection for distal rectal cancers. However, Asnong et al's 2022 paper showed that multi-modal pelvic rehab can be an effective strategy as an early, first-line treatment option for bowel symptoms after rectal cancer. Concerns may include sexual activity with an ostomy or with symptoms of genitourinary syndrome of menopause, or barriers to exercise due to continence, pain or fear about parastomal hernias.This session will equip therapists to be aware of potential pelvic health issues after cancer and give them an evidence based & bio psychosocial skillset to address them.
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Implementation of an Obstetric Physical Therapy Care Pathway: Inpatient and Telehealth Postpartum Rehabilitation
Presented by Jennifer Thornton-Jones PT, Board Certified in Oncology and Women's Health, and Clayton Alfonso MD, FACOG
This educational session will outline the development and implementation of a comprehensive peripartum physical therapy program in a large health care system. There have been admirable efforts to improve awareness of the benefits physical therapy can provide in the acute and early postpartum period. However, barriers to PT access in the perinatal time period are difficult to overcome. Patient access to PTs with advanced training in treating pregnant/postpartum patients remains limited throughout the country, particularly in acute care postpartum settings. In this session we will detail the design and implementation of a multi arm program developed to better serve this patient population and provide attendees with information on how to approach their own program development. We will discuss the initial phase of identifying the need for quality improvement and the outreach and relationship building undertaken with the labor and delivery team. We will then detail the development and implementation process of the three-part framework which includes: 1) Expanded access to outpatient PT for pregnant patients with MSK concerns (not including pelvic floor concerns) via creation of a specialized training program for outpatient-MSK PT providers 2) Pelvic Health PT care in the immediate postpartum hospital setting 3) Postpartum telehealth service at 2-3 weeks postpartum which includes red flag screening, specialized patient education, and facilitation of referral to outpatient postpartum PT when appropriate. We will conclude the session discussing future plans including research and program expansion.Keywords: peripartum, quality improvement, acute care, telehealth, program development, maternal morbidity and mortality, pelvic floor rehabilitation.
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Pelvic Health Poster Session
This session will present current research and perspectives applicable to Pelvic Health physical therapy practice. This session may present both scientific and/ or clinically oriented topics to promote physical therapy practice and ongoing research initiatives. This session may include: research, case studies, and/ or description of current practice or programs.
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Physical Therapy Care Continuum for Patients Undergoing Vaginoplasty
Presented by Kelsie Marie Kaiser Board-Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist, and Stephanie L. Woelfel PT, DPT, Board-Certified Women's Health Clinical Specialist
The journey through genital feminization affirming care can be daunting for any individual. Development of a collaborative approach throughout the entire perioperative process results in improved patient satisfaction and outcomes. This collaborative approach spans multiple care settings (hospital and outpatient) and areas of specialty practice (acute care, pelvic health, orthopedics and wound management). This session will explore considerations for the physical therapist throughout this care continuum. Topics will include: the use of a screening tool to select an appropriate medical practitioner, cardiovascular training, musculoskeletal examination of the lumbopelvic and hip regions, performing a comprehensive pelvic health assessment, immediate post-operative mobility restrictions, wound healing expectations and management, hygiene, edema management, dilator training, bowel and bladder health, sexual function, lumbopelvic region training, and pelvic health training. Whether you encounter this patient population pre-operatively, during the immediate acute care post-operative phase or as they continue their care as outpatients, this session will expand your understanding of all aspects of the patient journey and provide practical tips and suggestions for immediate implementation into your practice.
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Pelvic Health Platform Session #2
This session will present current research and perspectives applicable to Pelvic Health physical therapy practice. This session may present both scientific and/ or clinically oriented topics to promote physical therapy practice and ongoing research initiatives. This session may include: research, case studies, and/ or description of current practice or programs.
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*Please note that registration for this conference is hosted through the APTA CSM Registration website. You have the option to also register for the full CSM conference or just this specific pre-conference.
Visit the Pelvic Health Booth #2025
Exhibit Hall Unopposed Hours: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
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