Awards Ceremony at CSM 2025 Houston, TX

Thursday, February 13, 2025
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM (CST)
Category: Academy Events

Join your fellow Academy members on Thursday, February 13, 2025 to recognize trailblazers and leaders in pelvic and abdominal health physical therapy! RSVP so that we can get a head count of approximate attendees planning to attend!

  • President's Welcome Address

  • Invited Guest Presentations

  • Sponsor Presentations

  • Recognition of Board-Certified Women's Health Clinical Specialists

  • Recognition of CAPP-Pelvic Certified

  • Recognition of CAPP-OB Certified

  • Recognition of Academy Volunteers 

  • Recognition of Outgoing Board Members

  • Key Announcements

  • Award Recipient Photo Opportunities

At the end of the Awards Ceremony, we invite you all to head over to Grotto Downtown (adjacent to the Convention Center) from 7pm-10pm to continue our celebration over drinks and appetizers! RSVP for the Feb 13 - APTA Pelvic Health Celebrate & Elevate Social

For More Information:

Kalki Gizaw

Kalki Gizaw