Early-Professional Special Interest Group Director (EPSIG)


To foster connections and professional growth among early-professional Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants (0-5 years of practice). To equip early professionals with the tools and opportunities to facilitate a smooth transition from student life to thriving career professionals within the Academy's community. To provide increased access to valuable professional development resources and networks, supporting our members throughout this crucial stage in their careers.

  • Promote the Academy membership, events, opportunities, and benefits to early-professionals (0-5 years in practice)
  • Develop educational resources for early-professional physical therapy professionals and the public
  • Encourage the exchange of information relevant to the early-professional PTs and PTAs and the respective special interest topics 
  • Coordinate activities to increase early-professional membership growth and engagement
  • Create and appoint task forces as needed to carry out the functions of the SIG
  • Carry out the initiatives and projects delegated by the Board of Directors 
  • Pitch proposals for new EPSIG initiatives to the Board of Directors

The EPSIG Board will conduct all communications and decisions via email, conference calls and Slack. All EPSIG Board members are expected to respond to communications within 7 days and provide written notice when unavailable to attend a scheduled meeting.

  • Submit an annual plan that identifies each director’s roles and objectives for the year and ensures alignment with the Academy’s strategic plan
  • Schedule and attend monthly meetings and submit meeting minutes to the Board and Staff Liaisons
  • Submit quarterly progress reports and annual plans to the Board and Staff Liaisons
  • Schedule and attend monthly meetings and submit meeting minutes to the Board and Staff Liaisons
  • Submit an annual plan that identifies each director’s roles and objectives for the year.
  • Must be an active SPT, PT, or PTA member of the Academy of Pelvic Health Physical Therapy for at least one (1) year without membership lapses at the close of the nomination cycle and must maintain active membership in good standing throughout the volunteer term
  • Must be in their 0-3 years of practice at the close of the nominations period
  • Funding: No SIG director shall expend any money not provided in the Academy’s organization budget as adopted by the Academy Board or spend any money in excess of the budget allotment except by permission of the Academy Board of Directors. For any approved funding, refer to the Academy Reimbursement policies and procedures
  • Onboarding: Orientation of the new Directors shall be done by the outgoing director(s), Board Liaison and Staff Liaison. Each newly appointed committee chair will receive a copy of the bylaws and Academy  Governance Manual, records of the committee chair's activities of the previous two (2) years, and other material deemed necessary, from the outgoing Directors
  • Resignation: A SIG Director shall submit a resignation in writing to the Board Liaison with a copy to the President of the Academy. In the event of resignation prior to the end of the respective Director’s term, the Academy Board will appoint an individual based on the Academy’s Nominating Committee recommendation(s) of individuals that are eligible to serve the remaining duration of the term

EPSIG Directors

  • Sha'Rose T. Erion

    Sha'Rose T. Erion

    PT, DPT

    EPSIG Director (2/13/2024-2/28/2026)

  • Raquelle Genevieve Hafen

    Raquelle Genevieve Hafen

    PT, DPT

    EPSIG Director (10/1/2024-2/6/2027)

  • Melissa Hemphill

    PT, DPT

    EPSIG Director (2/6/2025-2/28/2027)

  • Mikaili S. Anderson

    Mikaili S. Anderson

    PT, DPT

    EPSIG Director (11/19/2024-2/28/2026)