Alternate Delegate

The position description may undergo occasional updates, so please be aware that any details provided are subject to change.

House of Delegates

  • Provide reliable support to the Chief Delegate and Delegate in preparation for the House of Delegates
  • Attend House of Delegates activities and meetings with Chief Delegate and Delegate
  • Learn political processes and gain experience for potential future delegate run.


  • Communicate weekly via Slack and capture votes, motions, appointments electronically
  • Collaborate with the Board of Directors to achieve the strategic goals of APTA Pelvic Health
  • Report updates from the House of Delegates to the Board and provide additional updates to Academy staff for membership communication
  • Build and strengthen relationships with officers, directors, volunteers, members, staff through regular communication
  • Help draft public relations letters and statements addressed to members or external stakeholders


  • Assist in the completion of all required progress reports
  • Contribute delegation reports for the annual State of the Academy PowerPoint presentation
  • Centralize and maintain an accurate record of all Board motions and votes conducted electronically and in-person


  • The Alternate Delegate will be reimbursed for qualified travel, per diem, and registration expenses contingent on the annual budget and if the Board decides to send the Alternate Delegate to House of Delegates in the given year.
  • Electronic Communication: 2-4 hours/month
  • House of Delegate Meetings: Up to 5 days of in-person meetings per year and additional days for preparation
  • Delegate Meetings: 1-2 hours/month


  • Must be a Physical Therapist or Physical Therapist Assistant member of APTA and APTA Pelvic Health.

Qualifications & Desired Skills

  • Be a member for at least 1 consecutive uninterrupted year without membership lapses immediately preceding elections and ability to maintain active membership in good standing throughout the volunteer term
  • No experience in House of Delegates is required, either as a delegate or alternate for any component
  • Must demonstrate enthusiasm for the political side of physical therapy, as this is a training position for future House of Delegates positions
  • Networking and collaboration skills; ability to strongly support fellow Chief Delegate and Delegate in preparation for the APTA House of Delegates
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills

If no qualified candidate is on the ballot, a delegate will be appointed by the Board of Directors based on the above criteria


Incoming Delegates to the APTA House of Delegates