Introducing Member Engage!

Academy News,

Benefits of Using Member Engage™

  • Your professional network of professionals who are current APTA Pelvic Health members invested in their professional development and are passionate about research, advocacy, education, and clinical practice.
  • The community has verified, licensed Physical Therapists, licensed Physical Therapist Assistants, and Student Physical Therapists enrolled in accredited DPT programs
  • Private communication channels to connect with fellow members about cases
  • Member Lounge, an all-members group to find regular updates and announcements from APTA Pelvic Health
  • Growing list of sub-groups reflecting special interest topics (pregnancy & postpartum, male health, students, early professionals, private practice, advocacy, and more to be added)
  • Mobile-friendly interface with a mobile app available in the Google Store and iOS App Store


Attention Academy of Pelvic Health Physical Therapy members! We are thrilled to unveil an exciting addition to your membership benefits: APTA Pelvic Health "Engage" – a dynamic and member-exclusive online social community designed to enhance your professional network and foster collaboration within the field of pelvic health physical therapy!

🤝 Connect with Like-Minded Professionals: Engage provides you with a unique opportunity to connect and engage with a diverse community of passionate professionals who share your dedication to advancing pelvic health physical therapy. Network with clinicians, researchers, educators, and advocates from around the world, building relationships that will fuel your professional growth and expand your knowledge base.

💡 Share Knowledge and Learn Together: As a member, you gain access to an invaluable platform where you can share your expertise, ask questions, and participate in lively discussions on emerging trends, evidence-based practices, and challenging cases within the field. Take advantage of the collective wisdom of your peers and contribute to the growth and development of pelvic health physical therapy.

🌐 Global Reach, Local Impact: Engage breaks down geographical barriers, connecting you with professionals not only in your state but across the United States and around the globe as our membership continues to expand beyond borders. Gain insights into international perspectives, learn about innovative practices from different healthcare systems, and collaborate on research projects or educational initiatives with professionals from diverse backgrounds.

📚 Stay Up-to-Date with Exclusive Resources: Engage serves as a comprehensive resource hub, offering exclusive access to research, clinical guidelines, educational materials, and practice resources tailored specifically to pelvic health physical therapy. Stay ahead of the curve and elevate your clinical practice with the latest advancements in the field.

📣 Be Heard and Drive Change: Engage empowers you to be an active participant in shaping the future of pelvic health physical therapy. Engage in conversations surrounding policy, advocacy efforts, and professional development initiatives. Together, we can amplify our collective voice and advocate for the recognition and advancement of pelvic health physical therapy.

🏆 Exclusive Membership Benefit: As an Academy of Pelvic Health Physical Therapy member, you already enjoy numerous benefits, and Engage adds another dimension to your membership experience. Connect, collaborate, and learn within this vibrant community, while enjoying the privileges of being part of the Academy.

🚀 Join APTA Pelvic Health "Engage" Today!: Don't miss out on this exceptional opportunity to connect with a passionate community, share knowledge, access exclusive resources, and shape the future of pelvic health physical therapy. If you are not yet a member, visit our website and activate your membership to access the APTA Pelvic Health "Engage" community today! If you are a member already, head to our Member Lounge at APTA Pelvic Health Engage to get started!